Porked to Perfection
Pork Chops
4 Pork Chops (approx. 1 Lb), bone-in or boneless
Sea Salt
Cajun Sprinkle
Gallon storage bag or other container
Meat thermometer of choice (preferably digital)
1.) Mix up enough brine solution to fully submerge pork chops. Recipe for brine is to dissolve 1 Tbsp of salt for every 2 cups of water. No need to heat water to dissolve salt. Simply stir to combine until salt is dissolved.
2.) Place pork chops in gallon storage bag or other container and pour brine solution over pork. Seal container and place in refrigerator. If using a bag, place bag in additional container to catch any water in case the bag has a hole in it.
3.) Let pork chops sit in refrigerator in brine solution for a minimum of 30 minutes to a maximum of 2-3 hours. This makes the pork super juicy. Too long in the brine solution and the meat can start to break down to mush. Not good.
4.) Remove pork chops from brine solution and dry off on a paper towel.
5.) Lightly coat each side with Cajun Sprinkle.
6.) Cook using desired method at 350ºF until thickest part of pork chop reaches an internal temperature of 170ºF. We recommend pan searing in a cast iron skillet that was preheated in a 400ºF oven on a stove burner for 2 minutes on each side before placing back in a 400ºF oven until done, but that’s just us.
Far Out Foodz Recommended Cooking Method
We recommend pan searing in a cast iron skillet that was preheated in a 400ºF oven on a stove burner for 2 minutes on each side before placing back in a 400ºF oven until done.
Written and provided free of charge by Far Out Foodz, LLC ©2017-2021